Source code for

# conda create -c conda-forge -n vispy_env python=3 vispy pyqt5 numpy
# conda install pyopengl
# conda install imageio imageio-ffmpeg
# conda install pillow
Mango particle visualiser.


* 0    - reset cameras
* 1    - toggle camera between regular 3D (turntable), first person (fly),
         arcball and Pan Zoom
* 2    - toggle between real particles and vector spheres
* +/-  - speed up/slow down simulation
* !    - start/stop simulation
* .    - reset simulation speed
* I    - save image of current frame

With fly camera:

* WASD or arrow keys - move around
* SPACE - brake
* FC - move up-down
* IJKL or mouse - look around


* Change arrow size based on strength
* speed up read in

from sys import argv
import numpy as np
import imageio

from vispy import app, scene, util
from vispy.visuals.transforms import STTransform, MatrixTransform
from vispy.visuals.transforms._util import as_vec4
from vispy.visuals.visual import CompoundVisual
from vispy.visuals.mesh import MeshVisual
from vispy.scene import visuals
from vispy.geometry import create_arrow

from mango.managers import serverwrapper
from mango import c
from mango.debug import DBG

[docs]def read(filename, speed): """ Read in extended xyz file and names columns in recorded arrays. Future: * Error checking * crash gracefully when memory gets too full """ with open(filename) as f: # Managing initial lines of xyz file data_list = [] num = 0 for i, line in enumerate(f): if i % 5e6 == 0 and i != 0: print(f'Read {int(i*5e6)} frames') if i == 0: no_mol = int(line) elif i == 1: comments = {} line = line.split() for comment in line: com = comment.split("=") try: comments[com[0]] = float(com[1].split('[')[0]) except ValueError: comments[com[0]] = com[1] == 'True' except IndexError: pass # comments["i"] = int(comments["i"]) elif i % (no_mol + 2) == 1 or i % (no_mol + 2) == 0: # ignoring future comments other than the first continue elif num % speed < no_mol: # skip frames data_list += [line.split()] num += 1 else: num += 1 # Naming columns dtypes = [] for i in range(len(data_list[0])): if i == 0: dtypes += [("name", "U5")] elif i == 1: dtypes += [('x', float)] elif i == 2: dtypes += [('y', float)] elif i == 3: dtypes += [('z', float)] else: dtypes += [('col{}'.format(i - 4), float)] xyz_dump = np.rec.array([tuple(x) for x in data_list], dtype=dtypes) size = xyz_dump.x.shape[0] print('Number of frames: ', size // no_mol) return {"xyz_dump": xyz_dump, "size": size, "no_mol": no_mol, "mag": comments['mag'] if 'mag' in comments else False, "force": comments['force'] if 'force' in comments else False, "momentum": comments['momentum'] if 'momentum' in comments else False, 'box': comments['boxsize'] if 'boxsize' in comments else False}
class Arrow3DVisual(CompoundVisual): def __init__(self, radius=1.0, length=1.0, cols=30, rows=30, vertex_colors=None, face_colors=None, color=(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1), edge_color=None, **kwargs): mesh = create_arrow(rows, cols, radius=radius, length=length) self._mesh = MeshVisual(vertices=mesh.get_vertices(), faces=mesh.get_faces(), vertex_colors=vertex_colors, face_colors=face_colors, color=color) if edge_color: self._border = MeshVisual(vertices=mesh.get_vertices(), faces=mesh.get_edges(), color=edge_color, mode='lines') else: self._border = MeshVisual() CompoundVisual.__init__(self, [self._mesh, self._border], **kwargs) self.mesh.set_gl_state(polygon_offset_fill=True, polygon_offset=(1, 1), depth_test=True) @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def border(self): return self._border
[docs]class scene_setup(): def __init__(self, application, radii, skip=1, freeze=False, true_size=True, fps=False, video=False, sm_box=True, loop=True): = application # Prepare canvas canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', size=(800, 608), show=True, bgcolor='white') if fps: canvas.measure_fps() self.render = canvas.render self.csize = canvas.size self.view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() if video: self.writer = imageio.get_writer('animation.mp4', quality=10, fps=20) = self.makevideo self.canvas = canvas else: = self._noop fov = 60. self.loops = 1 self.f = 0 = 1 self.stop_at_end = not loop self.cont = False with np.errstate(all='raise'): if not true_size: self.cr_bsph = self._noop self.scene(*self.get_data(radii, freeze, sm_box, skip)) self.timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.on_timer, start=False, try: except: pass finally: if video: self.writer.close() @staticmethod def _noop(*args): pass
[docs] def makevideo(self): self.writer.append_data(self.canvas.render())
[docs] def on_timer(self, event): self.f += if self.f >= self.no_iters: if self.stop_at_end and not self.cont: self.timer.stop() if self.f - < self.no_iters - 1: self.f -= else: self.cont = True print("LastFrame ", end='\r') return elif self.stop_at_end: self.cont = False self.f = 0 print(f"Start x{self.loops} ", end='\r') self.loops += 1 for i in self.ispheres: self.ispheres[i].transform.move_to(self.trans[i, self.f]) self.spheres[i].transform.move_to(self.trans[i, self.f]) self.move_arr(i)
[docs] def get_data(self, radii, freeze, sm_box, skip=1): a = read(argv[1], skip) n = a['no_mol'] pradius = np.zeros(n) + radii self.framefilelength = int(np.log10(a['size'] / n)) xyz = self.positions(a, freeze) self.arrows(a) self.no_iters = xyz.shape[1] box = np.sum(pradius * 2) * 1.5 if sm_box or not a['box'] else a['box'] print('BOXSIZE', box) return xyz, n, pradius, box
# def maxmin(self, arr1, arr2): # norm1 = np.linalg.norm(arr1, axis=-1) # norm2 = np.linalg.norm(arr2, axis=-1) # conesize1 = norm1 / np.max(norm1, axis=-1)[..., None] # conesize2 = norm2 / np.max(norm2, axis=-1)[..., None] # self.fcones[i].transform.scale(self.fconesize[i, self.f],[i, self.f]) # self.fcones[i].transform.scale(self.fconesize[i, self.f], xyz[i, self.f]) # conesize = self.maxmin(arr1, arr2) # return conesize1 / conesize2
[docs] def positions(self, a, freeze): n = a['no_mol'] x = a['xyz_dump'].x y = a['xyz_dump'].y z = a['xyz_dump'].z xyz = np.array([x, y, z]).T xyz = xyz.reshape(n, -1, 3, order='F') if freeze: xyz -= xyz[int(n / 2)][None] + 0.01 trans = [] for framenum, frame in enumerate(xyz): trans += [[]] for mol in frame: trans[framenum] += [as_vec4(mol)] self.trans = np.array(trans) return xyz
[docs] def arrows(self, a): n = a['no_mol'] cnum = np.arange(3, 9) if a['momentum'] else np.arange(0, 6) if a['force'] and a['mag']: fx = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[0]}') fy = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[1]}') fz = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[2]}') mx = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[3]}') my = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[4]}') mz = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[5]}') self.cr_arrs = self.cr_arr2 self.move_arr = self._mv_arr2 elif a['force']: fx = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[0]}') fy = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[1]}') fz = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[2]}') mx = my = mz = np.zeros_like(a['xyz_dump'].x) self.cr_arrs = self._cr_arrf self.move_arr = self._mv_arrf elif a['mag']: mx = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[0]}') my = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[1]}') mz = getattr(a['xyz_dump'], f'col{cnum[2]}') fx = fy = fz = np.zeros_like(a['xyz_dump'].x) self.cr_arrs = self._cr_arrm self.move_arr = self._mv_arrm else: self.cr_arrs = self.move_arr = self._noop if a['force']: fxyz = np.array([fx, fy, fz]).T fxyz = fxyz.reshape(n, -1, 3, order='F') self.frotater, self.initf, self.initfa = self.cone_rotation(fxyz) if a['mag']: mxyz = np.array([mx, my, mz]).T mxyz = mxyz.reshape(n, -1, 3, order='F') self.mrotater, self.initm, self.initma = self.cone_rotation(mxyz) if DBG: print(self.initm, self.initma)
[docs] def cone_rotation(self, arr1): if arr1.shape[1] > 1: arr2 = self.spinner(arr1) angle, rotax = self.angle(arr1, arr2, 'xyz, nix, niy ->niz') angle = self.spinner2(angle) rotax = self.spinner2(rotax) else: angle = rotax = None initial_dir = np.zeros((arr1.shape[0], 3)) initial_dir[:, 1] = 1 if DBG: print(arr1.shape) init_angle, init_rot = self.angle(initial_dir, arr1[:, 0], 'xyz, ix, iy ->iz') return self.rotate_array(angle, rotax, init_angle, init_rot), init_angle, init_rot
[docs] def rotate_array(self, angle, rotax, ia, ir): matrix = self.rotdp(np.tile(np.eye(4), (ia.shape[0], 1, 1)), ia, ir) if angle is not None: rotater = np.zeros((angle.shape[0], angle.shape[1], matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[2])) for n2 in range(angle.shape[1]): rotater[:, n2] = self.rotdp(matrix, angle[:, n2], rotax[:, n2]).copy() else: rotater = matrix[:, None, ...] return rotater
[docs] @staticmethod def rotdp(matrix, angle, axis): for n in range(angle.shape[0]): matrix[n] =[n], util.transforms.rotate(angle[n], axis[n])) if angle[n] != 0 else matrix[n] return matrix
[docs] def angle(self, arr1, arr2, string=None): arr1_ = np.linalg.norm(arr1, axis=-1)[..., None] arr2_ = np.linalg.norm(arr2, axis=-1)[..., None] dp = np.einsum('...j, ...j -> ...', arr1, arr2)[..., None] / (arr1_ * arr2_) try: cp = np.einsum(string, c.eijk, arr1, arr2) / (arr1_ * arr2_ * np.sin(dp)) except FloatingPointError: cp = np.zeros_like(dp) return (np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(dp)) * (180 / np.pi), cp
[docs] def scene(self, xyz, n, pradius, bsize): self.spheres = {} self.ispheres = {} self.fcones = {} self.mcones = {} # Create an XYZAxis visual self.axis = scene.visuals.XYZAxis(parent=self.view) self.axis.transform = STTransform(translate=(50, 50), scale=(50, 50, 50, 1)).as_matrix() = visuals.Box(width=bsize, height=bsize, depth=bsize, color=None, edge_color='black', parent=self.view.scene) = STTransform(translate=[0, 0, 0]) self.translucent( for i in range(n): self.ispheres[i] = visuals.Sphere(radius=pradius[i] * 0.1, method='ico', parent=self.view.scene, color='black', subdivisions=2) self.ispheres[i].transform = STTransform(translate=xyz[i, self.f]) self.cr_bsph(i, pradius[i], xyz[i, self.f]) self.cr_arrs(i, pradius[i])
[docs] def camera(self, fov): # Create four cameras (Fly, Turntable, Arcball and PanZoom) self.cam1 = scene.cameras.TurntableCamera(parent=self.view.scene, fov=fov, scale_factor=10, name='Turntable') self.cam2 = scene.cameras.FlyCamera(parent=self.view.scene, fov=fov, scale_factor=10, name='Fly') self.cam3 = scene.cameras.ArcballCamera(parent=self.view.scene, fov=fov, scale_factor=10, name='Arcball') self.cam4 = scene.cameras.PanZoomCamera(parent=self.view.scene, aspect=1, name='PanZoom') self.cam4.zoom(10, center=(0.5, 0.5, 0)) = self.cam1 # Select turntable at first
def _mv_arrf(self, i): self._arrow_move_to(self.fcones[i], self.frotater[i, self.f], self.trans[i, self.f]) def _mv_arrm(self, i): self._arrow_move_to(self.mcones[i], self.mrotater[i, self.f], self.trans[i, self.f]) def _mv_arr2(self, i): self._arrow_move_to(self.fcones[i], self.frotater[i, self.f], self.trans[i, self.f]) self._arrow_move_to(self.mcones[i], self.mrotater[i, self.f], self.trans[i, self.f])
[docs] def cr_bsph(self, i, pradius, xyz): self.spheres[i] = visuals.Sphere(radius=pradius, method='ico', parent=self.view.scene, color=(0.5, 0.6, 1, 0.1), edge_color=(0.5, 0.6, 1, 1), subdivisions=2) self.translucent(self.spheres[i]) self.spheres[i].transform = STTransform(translate=xyz)
def _cr_arrf(self, i, pradius): self.fcones[i] = visuals.Arrow3D(radius=pradius * 0.01, length=pradius * 0.3, parent=self.view.scene, cols=20, rows=4, color=(0.5, 0.6, 1, 1), edge_color=(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1)) self.fcones[i].transform = MatrixTransform() self._arrow_move(self.fcones[i], self.initf[i], self.initfa[i], self.trans[i, self.f]) def _cr_arrm(self, i, pradius): self.mcones[i] = visuals.Arrow3D(radius=pradius * 0.01, length=pradius * 0.3, parent=self.view.scene, cols=20, rows=4, color=(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), edge_color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) self.mcones[i].transform = MatrixTransform() self._arrow_move(self.mcones[i], self.initm[i], self.initma[i], self.trans[i, self.f])
[docs] def cr_arr2(self, i, pradius): self._cr_arrf(i, pradius) self._cr_arrm(i, pradius)
[docs] @staticmethod def spinner(arr): arr2 = arr.copy() arr2[:, :-1] = arr[:, 1:].copy() arr2[:, -1] = arr[:, 0].copy() return arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def spinner2(arr): arr2 = arr.copy() arr2[..., 1:] = arr[..., :-1].copy() arr2[..., :1] = arr[..., -1:].copy() return arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def translucent(obj): obj.mesh.set_gl_state('translucent', polygon_offset_fill=True, polygon_offset=(1, 1), depth_test=False)
@staticmethod def _arrow_move(obj, angle, raxis, trans): if angle != 0: obj.transform.rotate(angle, raxis) obj.transform.translate_to(trans) @staticmethod def _arrow_move_to(obj, rot, trans): obj.transform.rotate_to(rot) obj.transform.translate_to(trans)
[docs] def on_mouse_move(self, event): # Implement axis connection with cam1 if event.button == 1 and event.is_dragging: self.axis.transform.reset() self.axis.transform.rotate(self.cam1.roll, (0, 0, 1)) self.axis.transform.rotate(self.cam1.elevation, (1, 0, 0)) self.axis.transform.rotate(self.cam1.azimuth, (0, 1, 0)) self.axis.transform.scale((50, 50, 0.001)) self.axis.transform.translate((50., 50.)) self.axis.update()
[docs] def on_key_press(self, event): # Implement key presses if event.text == '1': cam_toggle = {self.cam1: self.cam2, self.cam2: self.cam3, self.cam3: self.cam4, self.cam4: self.cam1} = cam_toggle.get(, self.cam2) print( + ' camera') self.axis.visible = is self.cam1 elif event.text == '0': self.cam1.set_range() self.cam2.set_range() self.cam3.set_range() elif event.text == '+': if self.timer.interval > 0.01: self.timer.interval -= 0.01 else: *= 2 print(, self.timer.interval) elif event.text == '-': if >= 2: //= 2 else: self.timer.interval += 0.01 print(, self.timer.interval) elif event.text == '.': = 1 self.timer.interval = 1 / 60 elif event.text == '!': if self.timer.running: self.timer.stop() else: self.timer.start() elif event.text == '2': for i in self.spheres.values(): i.visible = not i.visible elif event.text == 'I': name = f'{self.f:0{self.framefilelength}d}.png' imageio.imwrite(name, self.render()) print(f'frame {name} saved')
[docs]def move_to(self, trans): self.translate = trans
[docs]def translate_to(self, trans): self.matrix[-1] = trans
[docs]def rotate_to(self, rot): self.matrix = rot
[docs]@serverwrapper('Error') def main(): print(__doc__) helpstring = '{}{}{}'.format("Run with:\n mango_vis <xyzfile> <radii> <-s -v -m -l>\n", " -s skipframes (default: 300)\n -v verbose\n", " -m record video\n -l loop visualisation") if '-h' in argv: print(helpstring) return fps = ('-v' in argv) video = ('-m' in argv) loop = ('-l' in argv) if '-s' in argv: sind = argv.index('-s') skip = int(argv[sind + 1]) del argv[sind + 1] del argv[sind] else: skip = False for v in ['-v', '-m', '-l']: if v in argv: del argv[argv.index(v)] if len(argv) != 3: print('xyz file or radii not given') print(helpstring) exit(1) radii = np.array(argv[2:], dtype=float) scene_setup(app.Application(), radii=radii, skip=skip or 300, freeze=False, fps=fps, video=video, sm_box=False, loop=loop)
STTransform.move_to = move_to MatrixTransform.translate_to = translate_to MatrixTransform.rotate_to = rotate_to visuals.Arrow3D = visuals.create_visual_node(Arrow3DVisual) if __name__ == '__main__': main()