The Main engine.
Iteration loop module for updating properties of particles.
from numpy import (zeros, zeros_like, ravel, ones, errstate,
exp, sqrt, array,
where, append, maximum, allclose,
add, subtract, multiply, einsum)
from numpy.core.multiarray import c_einsum
from math import pi
from scipy.special import comb
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from functools import partial
from mango.constants import c, bin_count
from mango.boundaries import periodic
from mango.imports import getpotentials
from mango.debug import debug
[docs]class Communal():
"""Reused variables and methods for propogation."""
def __init__(self, epsilon, sigma, tri, comb, limit):
"""Initialise variables."""
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.sigma = sigma
self.triag_ind = tri
self.ia = tri[0]
self.ja = tri[1]
self.limit = limit
self.comb = comb
self.rij = zeros(self.comb)
self.set_attr(['lj', 'lj6', 'rij3', 'rij4', 'magi', 'magj', 'dmag'], zeros_like(self.rij))
self.lind = zeros_like(self.rij, dtype=bool)
self.hind = zeros_like(self.rij, dtype=bool) # self.hind[:] = ~lind
[docs] def set_attr(self, var_list, val):
"""Initialise multiple arrays with same shape."""
for i in var_list:
setattr(self, i, val.copy())
[docs]class countneel(object):
Counting and storing neel relaxations.
initialise with timestep(dt) and Neel relaxation time (tauN)
run with each magnetisation step
def __init__(self, var, dt):
"""Initialise variables."""
with errstate(all='raise'):
sigmaN = exp((var.keff * var.vol) / (c.KB * (var.temp - var.temp0)))
var.tauN = var.tauN_0 * sigmaN
except FloatingPointError:
c.Error(">W OverflowError {} is infinite".format(c.ustr.taun))
var.tauN = float("inf") * ones(var.no_molecules)
self.count = zeros(var.no_molecules)
self.tauN = var.tauN
self.dt = dt
self.no_mol = var.no_molecules
def _modifydt(self, dt):
self.A = exp(-dt / self.tauN)
self.dt = dt
[docs] def run(self, dt, mag):
if dt != self.dt:
self.mag = mag
self.x = c.random.random(size=self.no_mol)
ind = where(self.x > self.A)
self.mag[ind] = -self.mag[ind]
self.count[ind] += 1
[docs]class position(Communal):
Main calculation class.
Calling propogate will calculate 1 iteration
boundary = periodic()
def __init__(self, **argd):
Initialise propgation routine.
Sets up potentials and variables required.
Optimises the positional configuration of the particles if required.
dictionary keys: var, flg, mom, mag, pos, op_noise
argd: dict
dictionary of data
self.count = 0
self.mnorm = c.EPS_val + 1
self.halfdt = self.var.dt * 0.5
self.maxscf = 1 + self.var.scfiter * 2**5
self.Mmag = self.var.ms * self.var.vol
self.inv_Mmag = 1 / self.Mmag
self.inv_Mmag2 = 1 / c_einsum('i,i -> i', self.Mmag, self.Mmag)
self.invmass = 1 / self.var.mass
self.invnatom = 1 / self.var.no_molecules
self.inv_Mmag2_atm = self.inv_Mmag2 * self.invnatom
self.sqEPS = c.EPS_val ** 2
self.sqmnorm = zeros((0, 1))
self.abslimit = c.EPS_val * 1.2
self.prerange = range(0, 6)
self.scfrange = range(0, self.var.scfiter)
self.new_norm = [0, 0]
self.sqmnorm = zeros(1)
self.stoc_constant = 6 * pi * self.var.eta * self.var.hradius * self.invmass # gammat
self.noise_setup = zeros((3, self.var.no_molecules, 3))
self.set_attr(['c1t', 'c2t'], zeros(self.var.no_molecules))
self.set_attr(['tot', 'tmag', 'angular'], zeros(3))
self.set_attr(['force', 'Hext', 'dm_mag_old', 'dm_umag',
'dm_diff', 'dm_hfield', 'dm_Heff',
'pos_tmp', 'noise_tmp'], zeros((self.var.no_molecules, 3)))
self.tri = c.tri
self.comb = comb(self.var.no_molecules, 2, exact=True)
if self.flg.opt:
self.dist, self.dist_matrix = self.boundary.setup(self.var.boxsize, self.flg.pbc, self.pos, self.var.sigma, self.tri)
self.optimise(toll=c.EPS, iprint=2 if self.flg.nout >= 5 else 0)
if self.flg.neel:
self.neel_count = countneel(self.var, self.halfdt)
self.magnetisation_step = partial(self.neel, self.magnetisation_step)
self.neel_count = None
def _noise(self, noise_row):
sqrt(c.KB * self.var.temp * self.var.mass * (1. - self.c1t**2), out=self.c2t) # [A/fs]
c_einsum("i, ij -> ij", self.c2t, self.noise_setup[noise_row, ...], out=self.noise_tmp)
add(self.mom, self.noise_tmp, out=self.mom)
[docs] def estrings(self):
self.dm1 = "iz,i->iz"
self.dm2 = "iz,iz->i"
self.dm3 = 'i,xyz,ix,iy->iz'
self.scf1 = "iz,iz,i->"
self.p_s = "ij, i -> ij"
def _noop(*args):
[docs] def set_pot(self):
"""Set new potentials if required."""
if self.var.potential:
new_pot = getpotentials(self.var.potential)
functionlist = [f for f in dir(self) if not f.startswith('_')]
for i in new_pot.__all__:
if ("vv" in i or i == "energy_vars") and not hasattr(energy, "_" + i):
setattr(energy, "_" + i, getattr(energy, i))
setattr(energy, i, getattr(new_pot, i))
if ("ff" in i or "hh" in i or i == "force_vars") and not hasattr(force, "_" + i):
setattr(force, "_" + i, getattr(force, i))
setattr(force, i, getattr(new_pot, i))
if i in functionlist:
setattr(self, "_" + i, getattr(self, i))
setattr(self, i, getattr(new_pot, i))
[docs] def init_pot(self):
"""Initialise potentials."""
com = Communal(self.var.epsilon, self.var.sigma, self.tri, self.comb, self.var.limit)
self.e = energy(com)
self.f = force(com, self.var.no_molecules)
[docs] def initialconditions(self):
Set initial conditions of particles and boundary conditions.
If MPI is used reinitialise potentials.
if c.comm.Get_size() > 1 and c.comm.Get_rank() != 0:
if not hasattr(self.boundary, 'wrap'):
self.boundary.setup(self.var.boxsize, self.flg.pbc, self.pos, self.var.sigma, self.tri)
if not self.flg.mag_sw:
self.magnetisation_step = self._noop
self.noise = self._noise if self.flg.noise else self._noop
self.pos[:] = self.boundary.wrapping(self.pos)
self.dist, self.dist_matrix = self.boundary.distance(self.pos)
self.f.force_vars(self.dist, self.dist_matrix)
self.prop = {"pos": self.pos, "mom": self.mom, "mag": self.mag,
"neel_count": self.neel_count, "forces": self.force}
[docs] def neel(self, magstep, dt):
"""Wrap magnetisation if neel relaxation is used."""
self.neel_count.run(self.halfdt, self.mag)
self.mag[:] = self.neel_count.mag
self.neel_count.run(self.halfdt, self.mag)
self.mag[:] = self.neel_count.mag
[docs] @debug(['prop'])
def propagate(self, Hext, noise_setup):
"""Calculate propagation loop."""
self.Hext = Hext
self.noise_setup = noise_setup
# half position_step
# half momentum_step
self.f.force_vars(self.dist, self.dist_matrix)
# half stochastic_step
self.stochastic_step(self.halfdt, 1)
# full magnetisation_step
# half stochastic_step
self.stochastic_step(self.halfdt, 2)
# half momentum_step
# half position_step
[docs] @debug(['pos'])
def position_step(self, dt):
"""Calculate the new position of the particle."""
c_einsum(self.p_s, self.mom, self.invmass, out=self.pos_tmp)
add(self.pos, self.pos_tmp * dt, out=self.pos)
[docs] def force_step(self):
"""Calculate the forces between atoms."""
add(self.f._ff_trans_return(), self.f.ff_mag(self.mag), out=self.force)
[docs] @debug(["mom"])
def momentum_step(self, dt):
"""Calculate the momentum of all the particles."""
add(self.mom, self.force * dt, out=self.mom)
[docs] def stochastic_step(self, dt, noise_row):
"""Apply noise to system."""
exp(- self.stoc_constant * dt, out=self.c1t) # dimensionless
c_einsum(self.p_s, self.mom, self.c1t, out=self.mom)
[docs] def optimise(self, toll=1.e-6, iprint=2):
"""Optimise particle position based on magnetisation."""
def func(x):
pos = x[:self.pos.size].reshape(self.pos.shape)
mag = x[self.pos.size:self.pos.size + self.mag.size].reshape(self.mag.shape)
d, dm = self.boundary.distance(pos)
# Possible bug with 1 np, vv_mag returns []
return einsum('i ->', self.e.epot_tr + self.e.vv_mag(mag, d))
def dfunc(x):
pos = x[:self.pos.size].reshape(self.pos.shape)
mag = x[self.pos.size:self.pos.size + self.mag.size].reshape(self.mag.shape)
d, dm = self.boundary.distance(pos)
# Note that the gradient with respect to the magnetisation
# gives the magnetic field. This cannot go to zero because
# of the constrained normalisation (see below).
self.f.force_vars(d, dm)
return -append(self.f._ff_trans_return(), self.f.hh_mag(mag))
def normalisation(x):
mag = x[self.pos.size:self.pos.size + self.mag.size].reshape(self.mag.shape)
return c_einsum("iz,iz->i", mag, mag) - c_einsum("iz,iz->i", self.mag, self.mag)
x0 = append(self.pos, self.mag)
# x = fmin_slsqp(func, x0, fprime=dfunc, f_eqcons=normalisation, acc=toll, iter=2000, iprint=iprint)
res = minimize(func, x0, jac=dfunc, method='slsqp',
constraints=dict(type='eq', fun=normalisation),
options=dict(maxiter=2000, iprint=iprint, ftol=toll))
x = res.x
self.pos[:] = x[:self.pos.size].reshape(self.pos.shape) # unit: 1.e-6 cm
if self.flg.op_thermal:
c_einsum("i, ij -> ij", sqrt(self.var.mass * c.KB * self.var.temp), self.op_noise, out=self.mom)
if all(self.Mmag > c.EPS_val):
self.mag = x[self.pos.size:self.pos.size + self.mag.size].reshape(self.mag.shape) # unit: 1.e-12 emu
scale = self.Mmag / maximum(sqrt(c_einsum("iz,iz->i", self.mag, self.mag)), c.EPS_val)
self.mag = c_einsum("iz,i->iz", self.mag, scale) # unit: 1.e-12 emu
[docs] def deltamag(self, mag, dt, umag, hfield, _Heff):
"""Update magnetisation."""
add(mag, self.mag, out=mag)
c_einsum(self.dm1, mag, 1 / sqrt(c_einsum(self.dm2, mag, mag)), out=umag) # dimensionless
c_einsum(self.dm1, umag, self.Mmag, out=mag) # unit: 1.e-12 emu
# WARNING: The new mag is used just to compute hfield!
add(self.f.hh_mag(mag), self.Hext, out=hfield) # unit: 1.e6 oersted
# sLLG is remaining lines
# WARNING: alpha is negative! Heff = hfield - _Heff
c_einsum(self.dm3, self.var.alpha, c.eijk, umag, hfield, out=_Heff) # unit: 1.e6 oersted
subtract(hfield, _Heff, out=hfield)
c_einsum(self.dm3, self.var.geff, c.eijk, mag, dt * hfield, out=hfield) # unit: 1.e-12 emu
[docs] def scfloop(self, mag, dt, umag, hfield, Heff, mag_old, diff, new_norm, count=0):
SCF loop to update magnetisation and check the magnetisation norm isn't changed.
Most (more than 50%) of the simulation is spent here
improvements to the for loop have the largest impact
for count in self.scfrange:
self.deltamag(mag, dt, umag, hfield, Heff)
add(self.mag, hfield, out=mag) # unit: 1.e-12 emu
subtract(mag, mag_old, out=diff)
if c_einsum(self.scf1, diff, diff, self.inv_Mmag2_atm) <= self.sqEPS:
return count
mag_old[:] = mag # unit: 1.e-12 emu
# From here assumption function is slower, hopefully rarely used
self.var.scfiter *= 2
self.scfrange = range(count, self.var.scfiter)
mnorm = sqrt(c_einsum(self.scf1, diff, diff, self.inv_Mmag2_atm))
if allclose(new_norm[0], mnorm):
new_norm[1] += 1
new_norm[:] = mnorm, 0
if self.var.scfiter >= self.maxscf:
if new_norm[1] >= 2 and mnorm < 1.3 * self.sqEPS:
c.Error(f"W Norm seems stuck {mnorm}, continuing")
self.var.scfiter //= 32
new_norm = [0, 0]
return count
c.Error(f"F Exceeded self consistant iteration hard limit {new_norm}, {mnorm}")
"W Maximum number of iterations exceeded doubling to {} [MD step {}, mnorm={} ]".format(
self.var.scfiter, self.time.iter, mnorm))
return self.scfloop(mag, dt, umag, hfield, Heff, mag_old, diff, new_norm, count)
[docs] def magnetisation_step(self, dt):
"""Update magnetisation."""
mag = self.mag.copy() # unit: 1.e-12 emu
umag = self.dm_umag
Heff = self.dm_Heff
hfield = self.dm_hfield
# iteration here
self.count += self.scfloop(mag, dt, umag, hfield, Heff, self.dm_mag_old, self.dm_diff, self.new_norm.copy())
# whole step
self.deltamag(mag, dt, umag, hfield, Heff)
add(self.mag, hfield, out=self.mag) # unit 1.e-12 emu
self.count += 1
[docs]class energy(Communal):
"""Energy potentials."""
def __init__(self, communal, singleframe=True):
"""Initialise energy constants and arrays."""
Communal.__init__(self, communal.epsilon, communal.sigma, communal.triag_ind, communal.comb, communal.limit)
self.tr_estr = ['{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0} -> {0}', '{0}, {0} -> {0}']
self.mag_estr = ['{0}, {0}, {0} -> {0}', '{0}, {1} -> {0}', '{0}, {0} -> {1}']
if singleframe:
estr = ['i', 'ij']
self.unitv = zeros((self.comb, 3))
self.epot_tr = zeros(self.comb if self.comb > 1 else 1)
estr = ['ai', 'aij']
self.triag_ind = (slice(None), *self.triag_ind)
self.ia = (slice(None), self.ia)
self.ja = (slice(None), self.ja)
self.unitv = zeros((*self.comb, 3))
self.epot_tr = zeros(self.comb)
self.tr_estr[0] = self.tr_estr[0].format(estr[0])
self.tr_estr[1] = self.tr_estr[1].format(estr[0])
self.mag_estr[0] = self.mag_estr[0].format(estr[0])
self.mag_estr[1] = self.mag_estr[1].format(estr[1], estr[0])
self.mag_estr[2] = self.mag_estr[2].format(estr[1], estr[0])
[docs] def energy_vars(self, dm):
"""Set reused energy variables."""
self.rij[:] = dm[self.triag_ind] # unit: cm
[docs] def vv_trans(self):
"""Calculate translation potential energy."""
# unit: erg
self.lind[:] = where(self.rij > self.limit, True, False)
if True in self.lind:
self.lj[:] = self.sigma * self.rij
c_einsum(self.tr_estr[0], self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, out=self.lj6)
c_einsum(self.tr_estr[1], self.lind, self.epsilon * (1. + 4. * self.lj6 * (self.lj6 - 1.)), out=self.epot_tr) # unit: erg
[docs] def vv_mag(self, mag, d):
"""Calculate magnetic potential energy."""
magia = mag[self.ia]
magja = mag[self.ja]
c_einsum(self.mag_estr[0], self.rij, self.rij, self.rij, out=self.rij3) # = self.rij * self.rij * self.rij
c_einsum(self.mag_estr[1], d[self.triag_ind], self.rij, out=self.unitv) # dimensionless
c_einsum(self.mag_estr[2], magia, self.unitv, out=self.magi)
c_einsum(self.mag_estr[2], magja, self.unitv, out=self.magj)
c_einsum(self.mag_estr[2], magia, magja, out=self.dmag)
return -(3. * self.magi * self.magj - self.dmag) * self.rij3 # potential energy unit: erg
[docs]class force(Communal, bin_count):
"""Force potentials."""
__slots__ = ['epsilon', 'sigma', 'triag_ind', 'comb', 'limit',
'zeros', 'epsilon24', 'rijz', 'ftrans', 'fmag', 'unitv',
'hfia', 'hfja', 'hfia_temp', 'hfja_temp', 'fmag_temp',
'fstr1', 'fstr2', 'fstr3', 'fstr4', 'fstr5', 'fstr6'
'ia', 'ja', 'rij',
'lj', 'lj6', 'rij3', 'rij4', 'magi', 'magj', 'dmag',
'lind', 'hind',
'long_ia', 'long_ja',
'force_trans', 'force_transR',
'magi', 'magj', 'dmag']
def __init__(self, communal, nm):
"""Initialise force constants and arrays."""
Communal.__init__(self, communal.epsilon, communal.sigma, communal.triag_ind, communal.comb, communal.limit)
self.zeros = zeros((nm, 3))
self.set_attr(['rijz', 'ftrans', 'fmag',
'unitv', 'hfia', 'hfja',
'hfia_temp', 'hfja_temp', 'fmag_temp'], zeros((self.comb, 3)))
self.epsilon24 = -24 * self.epsilon # avoid unneed operation repetition
[docs] def estrings(self):
self.fstr1 = "i, i, i -> i"
self.fstr2 = "ij, i -> ij"
self.fstr3 = "i, i, i, i, i, i -> i"
self.fstr4 = "iz,iz -> i"
self.fstr5 = "i, ij -> ij"
self.fstr6 = "i, i, ij, i-> ij"
[docs] def bin_count_setup(self):
bin_count setup.
create variables needed for bincount
self.long_ia = ravel(array([self.ia * 3, self.ia * 3 + 1, self.ia * 3 + 2]), 'F')
self.long_ja = ravel(array([self.ja * 3, self.ja * 3 + 1, self.ja * 3 + 2]), 'F')
self.leng = self.zeros.size
[docs] def force_vars(self, d, dm):
"""Set reused force variables."""
self.rij = dm[self.triag_ind] # unit: cm
self.rijz = d[self.triag_ind]
c_einsum(self.fstr1, self.rij, self.rij, self.rij, out=self.rij3)
self.rij4[:] = self.rij3 * self.rij
c_einsum(self.fstr2, self.rijz, self.rij, out=self.unitv) # dimensionles
[docs] def ff_trans(self):
Create variables for all forces.
forces are updated twice without positional changes, therefore no change in translational force
# translational force
self.force_trans = self.zeros.copy()
self.force_transR = self.force_trans.ravel()
self.lind[:] = where(self.rij > self.limit, True, False)
if True in self.lind:
self.lj[:] = self.sigma * self.rij
c_einsum(self.fstr3, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, self.lj, out=self.lj6)
c_einsum(self.fstr6, self.lind, self.epsilon24 * (2. * self.lj6 - 1.) * self.lj6,
self.rijz, self.rij * self.rij, out=self.ftrans)
ftransR = self.ftrans.ravel()
self.subtractat(self.force_transR, self.long_ia, ftransR)
self.addat(self.force_transR, self.long_ja, ftransR)
def _ff_trans_return(self):
"""Calculate Translational Force."""
return self.force_trans
[docs] def ff_mag(self, mag):
"""Calculate Magnetic force."""
force = self.zeros.copy() # unit: dine
forceR = force.ravel()
magia = mag[self.ia]
magja = mag[self.ja]
c_einsum(self.fstr4, magia, self.unitv, out=self.magi)
c_einsum(self.fstr4, magja, self.unitv, out=self.magj)
c_einsum(self.fstr4, magia, magja, out=self.dmag)
subtract(5. * self.magi * self.magj, self.dmag, out=self.dmag)
subtract(c_einsum(self.fstr5, self.dmag, self.unitv),
c_einsum(self.fstr5, self.magi, magja), out=self.fmag_temp)
subtract(self.fmag_temp, c_einsum(self.fstr5, self.magj, magia), out=self.fmag_temp)
c_einsum(self.fstr2, self.fmag_temp, self.rij4, out=self.fmag) # unit: dine
self.fmag *= 3.
fmagR = self.fmag.ravel()
self.subtractat(forceR, self.long_ia, fmagR)
self.addat(forceR, self.long_ja, fmagR)
return force
[docs] def hh_mag(self, mag):
"""Calculate Applied field."""
# Possible to split this function into two concurrent streams
# Most calculation time is spent here (up to 50%)
hfield = self.zeros.copy() # unit: oersted
hfieldR = hfield.ravel()
magia = mag[self.ia]
magja = mag[self.ja]
c_einsum(self.fstr4, magia, self.unitv, out=self.magi)
c_einsum(self.fstr4, magja, self.unitv, out=self.magj)
subtract(3. * c_einsum(self.fstr5, self.magj, self.unitv), magja, out=self.hfia_temp)
subtract(3. * c_einsum(self.fstr5, self.magi, self.unitv), magia, out=self.hfja_temp)
c_einsum(self.fstr2, self.hfia_temp, self.rij3, out=self.hfia) # unit: oersted
c_einsum(self.fstr2, self.hfja_temp, self.rij3, out=self.hfja) # unit: oersted
self.addat(hfieldR, self.long_ia, self.hfia.ravel())
self.addat(hfieldR, self.long_ja, self.hfja.ravel())
return hfield
if __name__ == "__main__":