from numpy import (all as nall, array, array_str, reshape, where, einsum, concatenate,
ndarray, block, arange, savetxt, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, genfromtxt)
from re import search
from sys import stdout, argv
from os import get_terminal_size, path, getcwd, fstat
from shutil import copyfile
from datetime import datetime
from asyncio import new_event_loop
from contextlib import suppress
from mango.constants import c, _variables, keys, rmemptyfile, boolconvert
from mango.debug import debug
from mango.managers import serverwrapper
import mango.imports as imports
def _input(func):
User input that wipes itself after input.
(For error printing)
out = input(func)
a = get_terminal_size()
stdout.write(" " * a.columns)
return out
[docs]def separater(response):
response = atleast_2d(response)
cols = response.shape[-1]
if cols == 3:
response = (response, None, None)
elif cols == 6:
response = (response[..., :3], response[..., 3:6], None)
elif cols >= 9:
response = (response[..., :3], response[..., 3:6], response[..., 6:9])
return response
[docs]class Data():
append = set(["position", "magnetisation", "momentum", "iter_time", "magnetic_field",
"forces", "neel_relaxation"])
[docs]class write_data(Data):
"""Writing all calculated data to file."""
def __init__(self, var, flg):
self.dump, self.save_type = imports.write(flg.save_type)
name = = name[:name.rfind("/") + 1]
self.restartfile = "{}{}{}".format(, name[name.rfind("Run"):name.rfind("_")], "restart") = var.skip_iters + 1
self.nmax = * var.no_molecules
self.restarted = flg.restart
[docs] def setup(self, name):
self.loop = new_event_loop()
return self.save_type
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kw):
self.loop.run_until_complete(self._write(*args, **kw))
async def _write(self, moldata_dict):
"""Write data to specific file type."""
if self.save_type == "hdf5":
self.dump(moldata_dict['name'], moldata_dict,
compression=('blosc', 9), datalength=self.nmax, append=self.append)
elif self.save_type == "pkl":
with open(moldata_dict['name'], "ab") as w:
self.dump(moldata_dict, w, protocol=-1)
no_mol = moldata_dict["position"].shape[1]
txt_data(moldata_dict, no_mol)
[docs] def restart(self):
if path.isfile(self.restartfile):
copyfile(self.restartfile, self.restartfile + "R" +'minutes'))
with open(self.restartfile, 'w') as rf:
rf.write(f"save_type {self.save_type}\ndirectory {}\ntotal_tosave {}\n")
[docs] def addtorestart(self, fname):
with open(self.restartfile, "a") as rf:
[docs]class read_data(Data):
Reads data in for post processing.
* Only read in data required rather than all data
- Works for hdf5 files
def __init__(self, fname, rtype=None, xyzpp=False):
if rtype is None:
fname, rtype = fname.rsplit('.', 1)
self.xyzpp = xyzpp
self.load, self.rtype =
self._newname(fname, xyzpp)
def _readtype(self):
if self.rtype == "hdf5":
self._rd = self._hdf5read
elif self.rtype == "pkl":
self._rd = self._pickleread
elif self.xyzpp:
self._rd = self.xyzppread
self.xvsloc = "{}.var".format(self.fname.split('.')[0])
elif self.rtype == 'xyz':
self._rd = self.xyzread
self._rd = self.txtread
def _hdf5read(self, obj, *args):
return self.load(self.fname, obj, *args)
def _pickleread(self, obj, *args):
if obj is None:
c.Error('F pkl files require key name')
lspl = [x for x in filter(None, obj.split('/'))]
data = []
with open(self.fname, 'rb') as self.v:
l_obj = lspl[0] if len(lspl) > 1 else obj
while self.v.tell() < fstat(self.v.fileno()).st_size:
if len(lspl) > 1:
for n, reads in enumerate(data):
for i in lspl[1:]:
data[n] = data[n][i]
if l_obj in self.append:
data = concatenate(data, axis=0)
return data[-1] if l_obj in ['vars', 'flags'] else data
def _newname(self, fname, xyzpp):
self.xyzpp = xyzpp
self.fname = fname if fname.endswith(self.rtype) else "{}.{}".format(fname, self.rtype)
[docs] @debug(["io"])
def read(self, obj=None, fname=None, restart=False, lengthcheck=False, keylist=False, chunk=None, xyzpp=False):
Read in pickle and hdf5 outputs.
obj: string
object to be read in
fname: string
file to be read in
restart: bool
Is read in to restart run
lengthcheck: bool
Get lenth of position data and last iteration
if fname is None:
fname = self.fname
if self.fname != fname:
self._newname(fname, xyzpp)
if restart:
if self.rtype in ["xyz", "txt"]:
c.Error("F Restarting is not implemented for this filetype")
return self.getrestart(*self.lengthcheck())
elif lengthcheck:
return self.lengthcheck()
return self._rd(obj, chunk, keylist)
[docs] def getrestart(self, position, last_iter):
"""Get restart data."""
restart = _variables(**self._rd('vars'))
restart.pos = position[last_iter, :, :]
restart.mag = self._rd("magnetisation")[last_iter, :, :] = self._rd("momentum")[last_iter, :, :]
restartflags = _variables(**self._rd('flags'))
return restart, restartflags, last_iter
[docs] def lengthcheck(self):
Check which row number is the last iteration.
Redundency check to make sure the last used row is the last row
position = self._rd('position')
l_it = nall(position == 0.0, axis=(-2, -1))
if not nall(l_it):
# l_it == False produces correct answer
# l_it is False does not
last_iter = where(l_it == False)[0][-1]
last_iter = 0
return position, last_iter
[docs] def xyzppread(self, obj=None, *args):
Post process from xyz file.
Requires associated <filename>.var file with variables needed for post processing
also needs to include the variable columns with the xyz column variable names.
mass 1.111
radius 1.23e-4
columns position,velocity,force
Only internal variable names currently supported
if 'xvars' not in self.__dict__.keys():
self.xvars = self._xyzvars()
if obj == 'vars':
return self.xvars
elif 'xyz' not in self.__dict__.keys():
_, = self.xyzread() = separater(
col = self.xvars['columns'].index(obj)
except ValueError:
if "velocity" in self.xvars['columns']:
col = self.xvars['columns'].index("velocity")
return[col] * self.xvars['mass']
[docs] def xyzread(self, *args):
"""Read all data from (extended) xyz file."""
with open(self.fname, "rb") as loc:
for lines in loc:
if lines[:-1] not in [b"", b"#"]:
response = atleast_2d(genfromtxt(self._skip_lines(self.fname, lines), comments="#", dtype=str))
molecules = response[:, 0]
lastaxis = response.shape[-1] - 1
lines = int(lines.decode("utf-8"))
if (response.shape[0] % lines != 0 or lastaxis % 3 != 0):
c.Error("F Input array shape not consistant with number of molecules specified")
response = response[:, 1:].astype(float).reshape((-1, lines, lastaxis), order='F')
return molecules, response
def _skip_lines(fname, lines):
with open(fname, "rb") as file:
skip = -1
for lno, line in enumerate(file):
if line.startswith(lines):
skip = lno + 1
yield b"#" + line if line.startswith((b"i", lines)) or lno == skip else line
def _xyzvars(self, vnames={}):
with open(self.xvsloc) as xyzvars:
for line in xyzvars:
if "=" in line:
line = [x.strip() for x in line.split("=")]
val = line[1].split(' ')[0]
if "." in line[1].split(' ')[0]:
val = float(val)
with suppress(ValueError):
val = int(val)
vnames[line[0].split(" ")[-1]] = val
vnames['columns'] = self._col_splitter(vnames['columns'])
for i in ['dens', 'vol']:
vnames[i] = atleast_1d(vnames[i])
return vnames
def _col_splitter(columns):
if "," in columns:
return columns.split(',')
return columns.split(' ')
[docs] def txtread(self, obj, *args):
Read in text file output.
* Not restartable
obj: string
type of data to be read in, Variables "vars", Data "data"
if obj == "vars":
self.variables = {}
with open(self.fname, "r") as fp:
for line in fp:
if search(r'[#]', line) and not search(',', line):
values = array(line.strip().split()[:])
self.variables[values[1]] = float(values[3])
elif search(',', line):
# FIX from here some variables are not saved
return self.variables
elif obj == "data":
# FIX data shape and return values
data = []
# read file
with open(self.fname, "r") as fp:
data_temp = array([line.strip().split() for line in fp if not search(r'[#]', line)])
mol_sv = set(data_temp[:, 0])
data = array(data_temp[:, 1:], dtype=float)
nmax = int(self.variables["nmax"])
mol = int(self.variables["no_mol"])
stats = int(self.variables["stats"])
iterations = data[:nmax, :2]
neelr = {'mol_{}'.format(i): reshape(data[:, 2], (nmax, mol), order='F')[:, i] for i in range(mol)}
magnetisation = reshape(data[:, 3:6], (stats, nmax, mol, 3), order='F')
position = reshape(data[:, 9:12], (stats, nmax, mol, 3), order='F')
forces = reshape(data[:, 12:15], (stats, nmax, mol, 3), order='F')
momentum = reshape(data[:, 15:18], (stats, nmax, mol, 3), order='F')
return {"molecule names": mol_sv,
"iter_time": iterations,
"neel_relaxation": neelr,
"magnetisation": magnetisation,
"position": position,
"forces": forces,
"momentum": momentum}
def getvar():
Get variables from existing run.
Run with
mango_vars -f [Files...] -v [VARS....]
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='MangoVars',
description="MangoVars reader")
parser.add_argument('-f', action='append', nargs='*', type=str, help='Files')
parser.add_argument('-v', action='append', nargs='*', type=str, help='Variables')
p = parser.parse_args()
p.f = [item for sl in p.f for item in sl]
p.v = [item for sl in p.v for item in sl]
for f in p.f:
name, save_type = f.rsplit('.', 1)
reader = read_data(name, save_type)
variables ="vars")
for i in p.v:
if i in variables:
print(i, variables[i])
# Get variable names
c.Error('{}{}'.format('>W Only internal variable names currently supported\n',
'Can\'t find {}'.format(i)))
[docs]def restart_gen(file=None, reps=None, outfile=None):
Restart generator.
Run with
mango_restartregen [file] [reps] [outfile <optional>]
if '-h' in argv:
lenarg = len(argv)
file = argv[1].rsplit(".", maxsplit=2) if file is None else file.rsplit(".", maxsplit=2)
reps = int(argv[2] if reps is None else reps)
outfile = (outfile if outfile is not None else
"Run{}restart".format(file[0].split("Run")[1].split("_")[0]) if lenarg != 4 else argv[3])
save_type = file[-1]
f_name = file[0]
directory_F = f_name.rsplit("/", 1)
directory = getcwd() if len(directory_F[0]) == 1 else "/" if len(directory_F[0]) < 1 else directory_F[0]
name = []
for i in range(reps):
name.append("{}.{:g}.{}".format(directory_F[1], i + 1, save_type))
total_tosave = read_data(name[0], save_type).read(restart=True)[0].skip_iters + 1
with open(outfile, "w") as rgen:
rgen.write("save_type {}\n".format(save_type))
rgen.write("directory {}\n".format(directory))
rgen.write("total_tosave {}\n".format(total_tosave))
for i in name:
rgen.write("{} \n".format(i))
[docs]def restartfile_read(r_file):
"""Read restart file."""
with open(r_file) as rf:
filename = []
# collectLI = []
for line in rf:
line_data = line.split()
if line_data == []:
elif line_data[0] == "save_type":
save_type = line_data[1]
elif line_data[0] == 'directory':
directory = line_data[1]
elif line_data[0] == 'total_tosave':
total = int(line_data[1])
if not path.isdir(directory):
rfile_loc = r_file.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
directory = rfile_loc + "/" if rfile_loc != '' else "./"
return [directory + file for file in filename], save_type, directory, total
[docs]def get_restartdata(restart_data, filenames):
"""Collect all restart data from all files."""
collectmag = {}
collectmom = {}
collectpos = {}
collectiters = {}
RandNoState = {}
for name in filenames:
stat = int(name.rsplit(".", 2)[-2]) - 1
restart, restartflags, last_iter =, restart=True)
RandNoState = {**RandNoState, **restart.RandNoState}
collectmag[stat] = array(restart.mag)
collectmom[stat] = array(
collectpos[stat] = array(restart.pos)
collectiters[stat] = last_iter
restart.RandNoState = RandNoState
restart.mag = collectmag = collectmom
restart.pos = collectpos
return restart, restartflags, collectiters
[docs]def xyz_write(xyz_mol_data, timescale, directory, run, flg, mmag, boxsize):
Write an extended xyz file.
[n, number of atoms]
[timestep] [current time] [flags...]
mol[0] [position x y z] [momentum x y z] [magnetisation x y z] [forces x y z]
mol[n -1]...
xyz_mol_data: np.array
array of data in the form [pos(xyz) mom(xyz) mag(xyz) force(xyz)] for each molecule
timescale: np.array
timescale list
directory: string
save directory
run: int
run number
flg: class
class of flags
flags used - pbc, mag_sw, align
mmag: float
Magnetic saturation * volume
boxsize: float
periodic boxsize
xyz_dshape = xyz_mol_data.shape
filename = "{}{}Run{}{}{}".format(directory, "S_" if flg.suscep else "",
str(run), "ALIGN" if flg.align else "",
'LF' if flg.lastframe else "")
no_mol = xyz_dshape[-2]
if not path.isfile(filename) or run.endswith('nofin'):
with open(filename, "wb") as xyz_w:
# Put force and velocity flags if needed
if flg.pbc:
axis = boxsize
axis = False
commentline = bytes(" momentum={} mag={} force={} boxsize={} \n".format(True, flg.mag_sw, True, axis), 'utf-8')
xyz_string = 'MNP {}'.format(12 * ' % 15.7e')
xyz_mol_data[..., 6:9] = einsum("ijk, j -> ijk", xyz_mol_data[..., 6:9], 1 / mmag)
for i in [xyz_dshape[0] - 1] if flg.lastframe else range(xyz_dshape[0]):
xyz_w.write(bytes("{} \ni={} time={:e}[ps]".format(no_mol, i, timescale[i]), 'utf-8'))
savetxt(xyz_w, xyz_mol_data[i, :, :], fmt=xyz_string)
c.Error(">M Complete XYZ file exists, skipping")
[docs]def file_write(data_array, f, timescale, directory, run, flg, mmag, boxsize):
Write a file of energy changes or momenta changes.
data_array: np.array
shape of (x, y, 15) for momenta or (x, y, 4) for energy
f: string
Magnetisation "M" or Energy "E"
run: int
run number
def _write(f):
filename = "{}{}Run{}Conservation_{}{}.txt".format(directory, "S_" if flg.suscep else "", run, f,
'LF' if flg.lastframe else "")
if not path.isfile(filename) or run.endswith('nofin'):
itern = arange(0, timescale['F'].shape[0])
it_ti = block([[itern], [timescale['F']]])
data = block([it_ti.T, data_array])
savetxt(filename, data[-1][None, :] if flg.lastframe else data, fmt=format_string, header=titlestring)
c.Error(">M Complete {} file exists, skipping".format("Momenta" if f == "M" else "Energy"))
if f == "E":
titlestring = "itern. time kinetic_e pot_e1 pot_e2 total_e"
format_string = "%.0d" + " % 15.7e" * 5
if f == "M":
titlestring = "itern. time total_m(x,y,z) mag_m(x,y,z) angular_m(x,y,z) CoM(x,y,z) CoM_vel(x,y,z)"
format_string = "%.0d" + " % 15.7e" * 16
if f == 'X':
xyz_write(data_array, timescale['X'], directory, run, flg, mmag, boxsize)
[docs]def txt_data(moldata_dict, no_mol):
Write output as textfile.
Specify "txt"
moldata_dict: dict
dictionary of data to be written
no_mol: int
Number of Moelcules
newfile = (not path.isfile(moldata_dict['name']))
stringfile = ''
if newfile:
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12} []\n".format("no_mol", no_mol + 1)
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [s]\n".format('t0', moldata_dict['vars']['t0'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [s]\n".format('dt', moldata_dict['vars']['dt'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12} []\n".format('nmax', moldata_dict['vars']['nmax'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12} []\n".format('skip', moldata_dict['vars']['skip'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} []\n".format('stats', moldata_dict['vars']['stats'])
stringfile += "\n"
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [K]\n".format('temp', moldata_dict['vars']['temp'])
str_g = no_mol * "{:12.5g} "
str_e = no_mol * "{:12.5e} "
str_f = no_mol * "{:12.5f} "
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [cm]\n".format('radius', str_g.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['radius']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [g/cm^3]\n".format('dens', str_g.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['dens']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [emu/cm^3]\n".format('ms', str_g.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['ms']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [oe]\n".format('H_0', moldata_dict['vars']['H_0'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [kHz]\n".format('nu', moldata_dict['vars']['nu'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [g/cm/s]\n".format('eta', moldata_dict['vars']['eta'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} []\n".format('chi0', str_g.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['chi0']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [s]\n".format('tauB', str_g.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['tauB']))
stringfile += "\n"
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [cm^3]\n".format('volume', str_e.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['vol']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} []\n".format('alpha', str_f.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['alpha']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [1/oe/s]\n".format('geff', str_f.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['geff']))
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {} [oe]\n".format('c2', str_f.format(*moldata_dict['vars']['c2']))
stringfile += "\n"
with suppress(KeyError):
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5g} [s]\n".format('tauN', moldata_dict['vars']['tauN'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.2e} [erg/cm^3]\n".format('keff', moldata_dict['vars']['keff'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.2e} [Hz]\n".format('nu_0', moldata_dict['vars']['nu_0'])
stringfile += "\n"
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5f} []\n".format('theta', *moldata_dict['vars']['theta'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5f} []\n".format('phi', *moldata_dict['vars']['phi'])
stringfile += "# {:8s} = {:12.5f} []\n".format('boxsize', moldata_dict['vars']['boxsize'])
stringfile += "\n"
stringfile += "# mol, iteration, time, neel, magnetisation (3 comp.), position, forces, momentum\n"
for a, j in enumerate(array(moldata_dict['iter_time'])):
for i in range(no_mol):
mol = "mol_{}".format(i)
k = int(moldata_dict['neel_relaxation'][mol][a]) if 'tauN' in moldata_dict['vars'].keys() else 0
L = array_str(moldata_dict['magnetisation'][a, i])[1:-1]
n = array_str(moldata_dict['position'][a, i])[1:-1]
o = array_str(moldata_dict['forces'][a, i])[1:-1]
p = array_str(moldata_dict['momentum'][a, i])[1:-1]
stringfile += "{} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(mol, str(j)[1:-1], k, L, n, o, p)
stringfile += '\n'
with open(moldata_dict['name'], "a") as w: