Source code for mango.imports

from importlib import util as imp_u, import_module as imp
from os import listdir
from mango.constants import c

[docs]def read(save_type): """ Import modules based on options for reading data files. Parameters ---------- save_type: str file type extension desired Returns ------- load: func loading files function save_type: str save type based on available """ if save_type == "hdf5": try: from mango.hdf5io import load new_save_type = 'hdf5' except ImportError: from pickle import load c.Error("M Using pickle for data reading\n install pytables for hdf5 r/w") new_save_type = "pkl" elif save_type == "pkl": from pickle import load new_save_type = "pkl" elif save_type == 'xyz': load = None new_save_type = 'xyz' else: new_save_type = "txt" load = None if save_type != new_save_type: c.Error(f'W Unable to load {save_type} reader') return load, save_type
[docs]def write(save_type): """ Import modules based on options for writing data files. Parameters ---------- save_type: str file type extension desired Returns ------- dump: func save files function save_type: str save type based on available """ if save_type == "hdf5": try: from mango.hdf5io import save as dump except ImportError: from pickle import dump c.Error("M Using pickle for data reading\n install pytables for hdf5 r/w") save_type = "pkl" elif save_type == "pkl": from pickle import dump else: save_type = "txt" dump = None return dump, save_type
[docs]def inquirer(): """ Import inquirer if required. Returns ------- bool: Is inquirere available? tuple: inquirer functions """ if c.opsys != "nt" and c.tinfo['otty']: try: from mango.pp.util import captured_output with captured_output() as (out, err): from inquirer import Checkbox from inquirer.render.console import ConsoleRender return True, (Checkbox, ConsoleRender) except ImportError: return False, (None, None)
[docs]class matplotlib(): """Importing matplotlib when necessary, allows for changing the backend before import.""" def __init__(self, backend=None): from matplotlib import use, rcParams if c.havedisplay is False: use('Agg') rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000 elif backend is not None: use(backend) from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, savefig self.figure = figure self.savefig = savefig self.rcParams = rcParams
[docs] def suscep(self): from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from matplotlib.pyplot import legend, yscale return (self.figure, self.savefig, self.errorbarpicker(), Line2D, legend, yscale)
[docs] def col(self): return self.figure, self.savefig, self.htuple()
[docs] @staticmethod def showg(): from matplotlib.pyplot import show, get_fignums return show, get_fignums
[docs] @staticmethod def close(): from matplotlib.pyplot import close return close
[docs] @staticmethod def errorbarpicker(): import matplotlib.legend_handler as mlh from matplotlib.container import ErrorbarContainer class newHandler(mlh.HandlerErrorbar): def create_artists(self, *args, **kwargs): a_list = mlh.HandlerErrorbar.create_artists(self, *args, **kwargs) a_list = a_list[-2:] + a_list[:-2] return a_list return {ErrorbarContainer: newHandler()}
[docs] def prettyplot(self): from matplotlib import ticker, __version__ as mplversion from matplotlib.pyplot import setp, gcf from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from subprocess import getstatusoutput if getstatusoutput('which latex')[0] == 0: self.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True self.rcParams[''] = 'MathJax_Main' self.rcParams['font.size'] = 14 if int(mplversion[0]) < 3: self.rcParams['text.latex.unicode'] = True return self.figure, PdfPages, setp, gcf, ticker, self.htuple()
[docs] def htuple(self): """single legend entry for multiple connected graphs with one legend. see""" import matplotlib.legend_handler as lh import numpy as np from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection class mytuple(lh.HandlerTuple): def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): handler_map = legend.get_legend_handler_map() if self._ndivide is None: ndivide = len(orig_handle) else: ndivide = self._ndivide if self._pad is None: pad = legend.borderpad * fontsize else: pad = self._pad * fontsize if ndivide > 1: width = (width - pad * (ndivide - 1)) / ndivide xds_cycle = lh.cycle(xdescent - (width + pad) * np.arange(ndivide)) a_list = [] c_list = [0, 1] if isinstance(orig_handle[0], PolyCollection) else [0] for no, handle1 in enumerate(orig_handle): handler = legend.get_legend_handler(handler_map, handle1) if no in c_list: _a_list = handler.create_artists( legend, handle1, next(xds_cycle), ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans) a_list.extend(_a_list) return a_list return {tuple: mytuple()}
[docs]def fftw(): """ Import the fastest version of fftw installed. Returns ------- output: fft, ffts, ifft Fastest fft implementations available """ from scipy import fftpack as ffts try: from pyfftw.interfaces import scipy_fftpack from pyfftw import byte_align fft = scipy_fftpack.fft ifft = scipy_fftpack.ifft except ImportError: def fft(arr, n=None, axis=-1, threads=None): return ffts.fft(arr, n=n, axis=axis) def ifft(arr, n=None, axis=-1, threads=None): return ffts.ifft(arr, n=n, axis=axis) def byte_align(array, n=None, dtype=None): return array c.Error(">M Using scipy fft for Susceptibility\n install fftw and pyfftw for better performance") return fft, ffts, ifft, byte_align
[docs]def getpotentials(name): """ Load pluggable potentials. Parameters ---------- name: string Filename of potentials module to import Returns ------- output: module Loaded module """ try: module = imp("mango.potentials.{}".format(name)) except ImportError: module = _loadfromspec(name) c.Error(f"M Loaded {module.__name__}") try: for i in c.posfuncs: if i not in module.__all__: c.Error("W function {} not replaced.".format(i)) except AttributeError: c.Error("F module has no attribute __all__") return module
def _loadfromspec(name): full_dirname = name.rsplit("/", 1) dirname = '.' if len(full_dirname[0]) == 0 else full_dirname[0] try: mod_files = [file for file in listdir(dirname) if file.startswith(full_dirname[1])] except FileNotFoundError: c.Error("F Can't find module file '{}'".format(name)) requested = full_dirname[1] if full_dirname[1] in mod_files else mod_files[0] if len(mod_files) > 1: c.Error("{}{}".format("W Multiple files start with '{}'\n".format(full_dirname[1]), "Assuming module is '{}'".format(requested))) mod_file = f"{dirname}/{requested}" try: spec = imp_u.spec_from_file_location(mod_file.rsplit("/")[-1].split(".")[0], mod_file) module = imp_u.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) except (AttributeError, ImportError): c.Error("F File '{}' is not a module".format(mod_files[0])) return module