Source code for mango.errors

from os import kill
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime
from os import path
from shutil import copyfile

from mango.constants import c

import sys

class _strings():

    if c.t.does_styling:
        u = c.t.underline
        HEADER = u + c.t.magenta
        OKBLUE = u +
        OKGREEN = u +
        WARNING = u + c.t.yellow
        FAIL = u +
        ENDC = u + c.t.normal
        HEADER = ''
        OKBLUE = ''
        OKGREEN = ''
        WARNING = ''
        FAIL = ''
        ENDC = ''

    if c.using_IP:
        tab = ''
        tab = "  "

    _W = ("{}{f}Warning{e}: ".format(tab, f=WARNING, e=ENDC), 9)
    _F = ("{}{f}Error{e}: ".format(tab, f=FAIL, e=ENDC), 7)
    _G = ("{}{f}D'oh!{e}: ".format(tab, f=OKGREEN, e=ENDC), 7)
    _B = ("{}{f}Keyboard Interrupt{e}: ".format(tab, f=OKBLUE, e=ENDC), 20)
    _M = ("{}{f}Message{e}: ".format(tab, f=HEADER, e=ENDC), 9)

[docs]class error(_strings): """ Error class. Handles error printing to the terminal * All errors are written to stderr """ def __init__(self, op=open): """Init.""" self.type_e = {"W": self._W, "F": self._F, "G": self._G, "B": self._B, "M": self._M, "ME": self._M} self.error_list = OrderedDict() self.reprinter = Reprinter() self.valuehold = 0 self.w_message = True = "./" = 0 self.pids = [] = op self.pp = ''
[docs] def count(self, etype, msg): """ ">" infront of error message will remove call count. Parameters ---------- etype: string Error type W, F, G, B, M, ME (Warning, Fatal, Oops, Keyboard, Message, Message exit) msg: string message for error """ nocount = (etype[0] == '>') self.etype = etype.replace(">", '') self.message = '{}{}{}{}'.format(">" if nocount else '', self.type_e[self.etype][0], msg.replace("\n", "\n" + " " * self.type_e[self.etype][1] +, '\n' if self.etype in ['F', 'ME'] else '') if self.message in self.error_list: self.error_list[self.message] += 1 else: self.error_list[self.message] = 1 self.print() if self.etype in ["F", "ME"]: self._killproc()
[docs] def setup(self, w_message, directory, run, pp=0): """ Set up for the error system. Parameters ---------- w_message: bool Turns (most) errors on or off, defaults to on directory: string Error save directory run: int run number """ = directory self.w_message = w_message = run self.pp = '_pp' if pp == 1 else '' self.errorfile = "{}/Run{}{}_Errors".format(,, self.pp) if path.isfile(self.errorfile): copyfile(self.errorfile, self.errorfile + "R" +'minutes'))
[docs] def addpid(self, pid): """PID collection.""" self.pids += [pid]
def _killproc(self): """Fatal error exit.""" self.endproc() for i in self.pids: with suppress(ProcessLookupError): kill(i, 9) exit(0)
[docs] def endproc(self): """Write errors to file at end of run.""" # Possibly dont write file if certain errors exist only TODO if self.error_list and != 0: self._collector() with, 'w') as errorfile: errorfile.write(self.keyhold)
def _collector(self): self.keyhold = '' for key, value in self.error_list.copy().items(): if key[0] == ">": fkey = key[1:] elif self.etype == "F" or self.etype == "B": fkey = key else: fkey = key + " x" + str(value) self.keyhold += fkey + "\n"
[docs] def print(self): """Print errors to screen.""" if self.w_message or self.etype in ["F", "B", "G", "ME"]: self.reprinter.reprint(self.message.strip(">") + "\n")
[docs]class Reprinter: """Rewrite terminal output using ANSI escape sequences.""" def __init__(self): """Init.""" self.text = '' self.frun = True @staticmethod def _moveup(): print(chr(27) + '[9;1H', file=sys.stderr, end='')
[docs] def reprint(self, text): """ Reprinter. Parameters ---------- text: string text to be overwritable """ if self.frun: print(file=sys.stderr) self.frun = False # self._moveup() print(text, file=sys.stderr, end="") self.text = text
def _clientError(Message): """Raise Kill when asked.""" # Possible race condition # Killing threads, writing error to file killed before finished if Message.startswith("F"): raise ExitQuiet from None
[docs]class Quiet(Exception): """Base Exception for no traceback.""" pass
[docs]class ExitQuiet(Quiet): """Exit Program Quietly Exception.""" pass
[docs]def notraceback(kind, message, traceback): """Exceptionhook only print errors if not Quiet.""" if Quiet not in kind.__bases__: if not issubclass(kind, KeyError): message = ecol(message) sys.__excepthook__(kind, message, traceback) else: message = ecol(message) sys.stderr.write(message.args[0] + "\n")
[docs]def ecol(m): """Colour crash errors.""" if len(m.args) > 0: m.args = (_strings.FAIL + f"{m.args[0]}" + _strings.ENDC,) return m
sys.excepthook = notraceback if __name__ == '__main__': pass