from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from numpy import finfo, float32, float64, zeros, bincount, ndarray, unique
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from sys import stdout, stderr, executable, argv, exit
from os import getcwd, name as osname, devnull, stat, remove
from subprocess import run, PIPE
from functools import wraps
from _version import version
from mango.debug import debug, verb
[docs]class const():
| Constants and version number.
| Internal Units
| Main
* time: 1e-12 [s]
* length: 1e-6 [cm]
* mass: 1e-18 [g]
| Derived
* energy unit: 1e-6 [erg]
* temperature unit: 1e0 [K]
* magnetic induction: 1e6 [gauss]
* magnetisation: 1e-12 [emu]
* force: 1 [g/cm.s^2]
def __init__(self):
"""Get constants and check environment."""
self.version = version
self.KB = physical_constants["Boltzmann constant"][0] * 1.0e13 # energy units /K
self.GBARE = -physical_constants["electron gyromag. ratio"][0] * 1.0e-10 # unit: 1/(gauss *ps)
self.EPS = finfo(float32).eps
self.EPS2 = finfo(float64).eps
self.Ar_KB = 119.8 * self.KB
self.Ar_sigma = 0.03405
self.opsys = osname
self.eijk = LCT()
self.verb = verb
self.t, self.tinfo = GT()
self.profile = PROF()
self.havedisplay = MPL()
self.using_IP = UIP()
self.interactive = INTTERM()
self.ustr, self.unicode = UCODE(self.t)
self.processors = CPU()
self.comm, self.MPI = EMPI()
self.posfuncs = ['vv_trans', 'vv_mag', 'ff_trans', 'ff_mag', 'hh_mag', 'force_vars', 'energy_vars']
self.units = OrderedDict({"xyz": {"position": '(nm)',
"magnetisation": '(p.emu)',
"forces": r'($\mu$N)',
"momentum": r'($\mu$g.nm/s)'},
"energy": {"Etotal": r'($\mu$ erg)',
"mag_pot": r'($\mu$ erg)',
"trans_pot": r'($\mu$ erg)',
"kinetic": r'($\mu$ erg)'},
"momenta": {"Mtotal": r'($\mu$g.nm/s)',
"total_mag": r'($\mu$g.nm/s)',
"total_angular": r'($\mu$g.nm/s)',
"CoM": '(nm)',
"CoM_vel": '(nm/ps)'},
"time": "(ps)"})
c2 = [v2 for v in self.units.values() if type(v) == dict for v2 in v.keys()]
c2 += ['time']
self.columns_flat = set(c2)
self.columns = {"xyz": c2[:4],
"energy": c2[4:8],
"momenta": c2[8:13]}
self.files = list(self.columns.keys())
[docs] def reseed(self, seed=12345):
self._Gen, rng = MTrnd(seed)
self.random = self._Gen(rng)
self.rgen = self.random.bit_generator
[docs] def jump(self, jumps):
self.rgen = self.rgen.jumped(jumps)
self.random = self._Gen(self.rgen)
[docs] def set_accuracy(self, EPS_val=None):
self.EPS_val = EPS_val if EPS_val else self.EPS2
[docs] def Error(self, msg):
Simple error printer.
Use managers.serverwrapper('Error') decorator for fully fledged error management
if msg.startswith('F'):
[docs] def Prog(self, msg):
"""Blank function, replaced on the fly with progressbar if required."""
[docs] def echo(self, msg, x, y):
"""Print at specified cursor location."""
with self.t.location(x, y):
print(msg, end='', flush=True)
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clear screen and move cursor."""
print(self.t.clear + self.t.move_y(0), end='', flush=True)
def _banner(self):
print(r"___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _____ ")
print(r"| \/ | / _ \ | \ | || __ \| _ |")
print(r"| . . |/ /_\ \| \| || | \/| | | |")
print(r"| |\/| || _ || . ` || | __ | | | |")
print(r"| | | || | | || |\ || |_\ \\ \_/ /")
print(r"\_| |_/\_| |_/\_| \_/ \____/ \___/ ")
print(f"Version: {self.version}", end="\n\n")
[docs]def MTrnd(seed=12345):
"""Random number generator."""
from numpy.random import Generator, MT19937
rgen = MT19937(seed)
return Generator, rgen
[docs]def GT():
Get terminal information.
Terminal: instance
Blessings terminal class instance
Terminal info: dict
Terminal info
class Term():
width = None
height = None
does_styling = False
clear = ''
subscript = ''
no_subscript = ''
is_a_tty = False
def location(*args):
def move_y(*args):
return ''
from blessings import Terminal, curses
t = Terminal()
except (ImportError, curses.error if 'Terminal' in locals() else ModuleNotFoundError) as e:
if not stdout.isatty():
verb.print(f"Blessings: {e}", file=stderr)
t = Term()
width = t.width if t.is_a_tty else 0
tinfo = {'c0': [0, width // 2], 'c1': [width // 2, width],
'otty': stdout.isatty(), 'etty': stderr.isatty()}
return t, tinfo
[docs]def LCT():
Construct Levi-Civita Tensor.
eijk: array
Levi-Civita tensor
eijk = zeros((3, 3, 3))
eijk[0, 1, 2] = eijk[1, 2, 0] = eijk[2, 0, 1] = 1
eijk[0, 2, 1] = eijk[2, 1, 0] = eijk[1, 0, 2] = -1
return eijk
[docs]def UIP():
Test for Jupyter Notebooks.
using_IP: bool
Are we using Jupyter notebooks?
using_IP = str(get_ipython()).split()[0].split('.')[-1] == 'ZMQInteractiveShell'
except NameError:
using_IP = False
return using_IP
[docs]def MPL():
Test matplotlib is functioning.
mpl: bool
Can we use matplotlib?
with open(devnull, "a") as nf:
exitval = run([executable, "-c", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.figure()"],
return exitval.returncode == 0
[docs]def EMPI():
Test whether MPI entry point os used.
All processors communicator
MPI: module
MPI module from mpi4py or class
def mpifuns():
class CW():
def Get_size():
return 0
def Get_rank():
return 0
class MPI():
return MPI
if argv[0].split('/')[-1].endswith("mpi"):
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
MPI = mpifuns()
MPI = mpifuns()
[docs]def CPU():
Get number of cores available.
processors: int
number of processors
pind = argv.index("--cores")
processors = argv[pind + 1]
del argv[pind + 1]
del argv[pind]
except ValueError:
from os import sched_getaffinity
processors = len(sched_getaffinity(0))
except ImportError:
from numexpr import detect_number_of_cores
processors = detect_number_of_cores()
except ImportError:
# I tried
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
processors = cpu_count()
return int(processors)
[docs]def UCODE(t):
Set up unicode strings.
ustr: class
Unicode chars store
uc: bool
Is environment unicode?
unicode = run(['locale', 'charmap'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
uc = (unicode.stdout.decode()[:-1] == 'UTF-8')
ustr = _variables()
if uc: = "\u03BC"
ustr.chi = "\u03C7"
ustr.tau = "\u03C4"
ustr.taub = ustr.tau + t.subscript + 'b' + t.no_subscript
ustr.taun = ustr.tau + t.subscript + 'n' + t.no_subscript
verb.print("Character encoding: ", unicode.stdout) = "mu"
ustr.chi = "chi"
ustr.tau = "tau"
ustr.taub = "tau_b"
ustr.taun = "tau_n"
return ustr, uc
[docs]def INTTERM():
Check for interactive terminal.
interactive: bool
Is environment interactive?
from sys import ps1
interactive = True
except ImportError:
interactive = False
return interactive
[docs]def PROF():
Test for code profiling.
profile: bool
Is profile in argv?
pind = argv.index("--profile")
del argv[pind]
profile = True
except ValueError:
profile = False
return profile
[docs]def nestedDict():
Nested Dictionaries.
In principle this creates an infinitely deep nested dictionary
eg. dict_name["key"]["key"]["key"]= value
each key can have sub keys and because defaultdict creates
the key if it doesn't exist this is all that is needed
return defaultdict(nestedDict)
[docs]class getkeywords():
"""Get keywords and organise them."""
def __init__(self):
"""Get defaults and keywords."""
self.words = self._getkeywords()
self.defaults = self._getdefaults()
self.explanation = self._gethelp()
def _gethelp(self):
Get default vaules for all arguments.
default values
explanation = {}
for no, i in enumerate(self.words.values()):
explanation[no] = i[1][1]['help']
return explanation
def _getdefaults(self):
Get default vaules for all arguments.
default values
defs = {}
for i in self.words.values():
defs[i[0][0]] = i[0][2]
return defs
[docs] def flgorvar(self):
Sort arguments into list of flags or variables.
var_list: list
list of vars
flg_list: list
list of flags
var_list = ['extra_iter', 'RandNoState', 'defaults',
'time', 'ms', 'sigma', 'limit'] # 1e-12 [s], 1e6[emu/cm^3], 1e-6 [cm],1/1.e-6 cm (inverted)
flag_list = ['files', 'field', 'lastframe']
def renamed(lis, key):
n = 4 if len(key) == 5 else 0
lis += [key[n]]
for i in self.words.values():
if i[0][3] == "var":
renamed(var_list, i[0])
elif i[0][3] == "flg":
renamed(flag_list, i[0])
return var_list, flag_list
def _range(val, min=0, max=1):
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
value = float(val)
if min <= value <= max:
return value
raise ArgumentTypeError('value not in range {}-{}'.format(min, max))
def _getkeywords(self):
Definition of all keywords.
Includes argparse calls, default name, types, values and container
All current keywords
return OrderedDict(
# Input files
{"InputFile": (("inputfile", str, None, "var"),
dict(dest='inputfile', help="R|Input file location"))),
"RestartFile": (("restart", str, None, "flg"),
dict(dest="restart", help="R|Restart file location"))),
"PositionFile": (("location", str, None, "var"),
dict(dest="location", help="R|Positions file location"))),
# Properties
"ExternalFieldFreq": (("nu", float, 1e-6, "var"), # [Hz] 267.0e3 was katherine
dict(help='R|External Field Frequency\n(default: {:3.2e}[Hz])'))),
"ExternalFieldStrength": (("H_0", float, 167.0, "var"), # 1e-6 gauss 167.0 * 1e6 was katherine
(['-f', '--field'],
dict(dest="H_0", help='R|External Field Strength\n(default: {}[1e-6 Gauss])'))),
"MediumViscosity": (("eta", float, 1.002e-2, "var"), # [g/(cm *s)]
(['-e', '--eta'],
dict(help='R|Solvent Viscosity\n(default: {} [g/(cm *s)])'))),
"MagneticDensity": (("Mdens", float, 85, "var"), # [emu/g]
dict(help='R|Magnetic Density of particles\n(default {} [emu/g])'))),
"ParticleDensity": (("dens", float, 6.99, "var"), # [g /cm^3]
(['-dn', '--dens'],
dict(nargs='+', help='R|Density of each particle\n(default: {}[g /cm^3])'))),
"ParticleRadius": (("radius", float, 5.0, "var"), # [1e-6cm]
(['-rad', '--radius'],
dict(nargs='+', help='R|Radius of each particle\n(default: {}[1e-6cm])'))),
"Temperature": (("temp", float, 298.0, "var"), # [K]
(['-T', '--temp'],
dict(help='R|Temperature\n(default: {}[K])'))),
# Calculation Options
"BackgroundNoise": (("noise", bool, True, "flg"),
('--no-noise', dict(action="store_false", dest='noise',
help='R|Background Noise switch\n(default: {})'))),
"Boxsize": (("boxsize", float, 50, "var"), # [1e-6cm]
(['-bx', '--boxsize'],
dict(nargs='+', help='R|Periodic boundary box size\n(default: max of (1.1 * Number of Molecules * Radius) or {}[1e-6cm])'))),
"Epsilon": (("epsilon", float, None, "var"), # e.u.
dict(help='R|Set depth of Potential Well\n(default: Scales wrt Ar (isothermal compresibility))'))),
"Iterations": (("nmax", float, 4.0e2, "var"),
(['-n', '--nmax'],
dict(help='R|Number of Iterations\n(default: {})'))),
"Labview": (("labview", bool, True, "flg"),
help='R|Remove initial cluster momentum\n(default: {})'))),
"MagnetisationSW": (("mag_sw", bool, True, "flg"),
dict(action="store_false", dest='mag_sw', help='R|Magnetisation calculation switch\n(default: {})'))),
"NumberParticles": (("no_molecules", int, 5, "var"),
(['-np', '--no_particles'],
dict(dest='no_molecules', help='R|Number of Particles\n(default: {})'))),
"Optimisation": (("opt", bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", dest='opt', help='R|Auto-minimise energy of the system\n(default: {})'))),
"PeriodicBoundaries": (("pbc", bool, True, "flg"),
dict(action="store_false", dest='pbc', help='R|Periodic Boundary Conditions\n(default: {})'))),
"Potential": (('potential', str, False, "var"),
dict(help='R|Change potential used'))),
"Repetitions": (("stats", int, 10, "var"),
(['-st', '--stats'],
dict(help='R|Number of statistical repetitions\n(default: {})'))),
"SkipSave": (("skip", int, 1, "var"),
(['-sk', '--skip'],
dict(help='R|Save every # iterations\n(default: {})'))),
"SusceptibilityCalc": (("suscep", list, False, "flg"),
dict(nargs='*', type=str, choices=['mag', 'vel', 'angular', 'inertia', 'rotation', ''],
help='R|Zero field Calculation\n(default: {})'))),
"ThermalOptim": (('op_thermal', bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action='store_true', help='R|Add thermal noise to the momentum after the optimisation\n(default: {})'))),
"Timestep": (("dt", float, 20, "var"), # [ps]
dict(help='R|Timestep\n(default: {}[ps])'))),
# Postprocessing Options
"Align": (('align', bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='R|Align with Kabsch algorithm\n(default: {})'))),
"Blocking": (('block', list, [5, 10, 20, 50, 100], "var"),
dict(nargs='+', type=int, dest='block',
help='R|Block averaging bins\n(default: {})'))),
"CreateFile": (("cfile", list, False, "flg"),
dict(nargs='+', type=str, choices=['xyz', 'energy', 'momenta', 'lf'],
help='R|Create output files\n(default: {})'))),
"Equilibrate": (('eq', float, 0.1, "flg"),
dict(type=self._range, dest='eq',
help='R|Strip fraction of trajectory for equilibration\n(default: {})'))),
"PlotColumns": (("column", list, False, "flg"),
dict(nargs='+', type=str, help='R|Plot simple datasets'))),
"Run": (("run", int, False, "flg"),
dict(help='R|Select run number\n(default: {})'))),
"KineticTemp": (('kinetic', bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='R|Calculate kinetic temperature\n(default: {})'))),
"LengthCheck": (('lengthcheck', bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='R|Calculate average particle separation\n(default: {})'))),
"ShowGraphs": (("showg", bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='R|Show graphs during run\n(default: {})'))),
"SaveGraphs": (("saveg", bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='{}{}'.format('R|Save graphs\n',
'WARNING: slow for large datasets\n(default: {})')))),
"UseFile": (("ufile", list, False, "flg"),
dict(type=str, help='{}'.format('R|Post process from a specific file\n',
'Possible file types: [xyz, hdf5, pkl, txt]\n',
'for xyz see help(')))),
# Run style changes
"LogDirectory": (("logs", str, "{}/Mango_{}_Logs".format(getcwd(), c.version), "var"),
dict(help='R|Log save directory\n(default:./{})'))),
"Parallel": (("parallel", bool, True, "flg"),
dict(action="store_false", dest='parallel', help='R|Parallel Computation\n(default: {})'))),
"SaveChunk": (("savechunk", float, 1e4, "var"),
(['-sv', '--savechunk'],
dict(help='{}{}'.format('R|Save to file every # iterations\n',
'(default: Smallest of {:3.0e} and Nmax)')))),
"SaveFiletype": (("save_type", str, 'hdf5', "flg"),
dict(choices=['hdf5', 'pkl', 'txt'], help='R|Save filetype (hdf5, pkl, txt)\n(default: {})'))),
"Scfiter": (("scfiter", int, 20, "var"),
dict(help='R|Magnetic self consistancy loop before warning\n(default: {})'))),
"Walltime": (("walltime", int, 1e7, "var"),
dict(help='R|Run time\n(default: {:3.0e}[s])'))),
"Verbosity": (("nout", int, 2, "flg"),
(['-v', '--verbosity'],
dict(dest='nout', action='count', help='R|Verbosity level\n(default: {}, Max implemented: 5)'))),
# Data for Neel Relaxations from: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 3126-3131
"NeelRelaxations": (("neel", bool, False, "flg"),
dict(action="store_true", help='R|Enable Neel relaxations\n(default: {})'))),
"NeelAnisotropicFactor": (("keff", float, 2.25e-8, "var"), # Unit [1.e12 erg/cm^3]
(['-k', '--keff'],
dict(help='R|Set anisotropic factor\n(default: {:3.2e}[erg*cm3])'))),
"NeelTau0": (("tauN_0", float, 1.7, "var"), # Unit [1.e-12 s]
dict(help='R|Zero value for {}\n'.format(c.ustr.taun) + '(default: {:3.2e}[1.e-12 s])'))),
"NeelTemp0": (("temp0", float, 262.0, "var"), # Unit: ([K]
dict(help='R|Neel zero temperature\n(default: {:3.2e}[K])'))),
class _variables():
Dynamic creation of variables.
Initial input is a dictionary but further values can be added
as with any class by:
class_instance.variable_name = value
def __init__(self, **argd):
def print_contents(self):
for i, j in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(j, ndarray):
pr_j, index, counts = unique(j, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
if index.size == 1:
pr_j = "{} x {}".format(pr_j[0], counts[0])
pr_j = pr_j, index, counts
pr_j = j
print(i, pr_j)
[docs]def switch(switch_name):
Decorate to switch off a function.
Improvements- TODO
* Still return expected return values but with no changes to variables or new variables set to 0 or none
* only call if switched off
def sw_decorate(func_to_decorate):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
switch = getattr(getattr(args[0], "flg"), switch_name)
if switch:
result = func_to_decorate(*args, **kw)
def nfunc(*args, **kw):
result = nfunc()
return result
return wrapper
return sw_decorate
[docs]def rmemptyfile(filename):
Remove files of Zero size.
filename: str
Full filename
with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
if stat(filename).st_size == 0:
[docs]def boolconvert(boolean):
Convert strings to bool correctly.
boolean: str
return boolean.lower() in ("true", "t", "1")
[docs]def asciistring(length):
Get a list of characters of desired length.
Current max is 26 characters
length: int
number of characters to return
str of length specified
return [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1)][:length]
[docs]class bin_count():
bincount OR
but is slower:
Much faster even with the manipulation needed for bincount
pass flattened arrays in eg arr.ravel()
__slots__ = ['leng', 'shape']
def __init__(self, **argd):
dictionary needs leng and shape
for k, v in argd.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def addat(self, to, at, fro):
"""Add at."""
to += bincount(at, fro, minlength=self.leng)
[docs] def subtractat(self, to, at, fro):
"""Subtract at."""
to -= bincount(at, fro, minlength=self.leng)
[docs] def reshape(self, to):
"""Reshape to given shape."""
return to.reshape(self.shape)
c = const()
keys = getkeywords()
keys.words = keys.words if '' in argv else {'keywords'}
if __name__ == "__main__":